Toenail Fungus

Laser treatment is the best option for toenail fungus

An Effective Option

Toenail fungus can be unsightly and sometimes embarrassing – the infected nail becomes yellow, thick and hard to cut. Although toenail fungus is also very common, it can be very difficult to treat. Until recently, the most common treatment for toenail fungus was taking pills that might cause liver toxicity. But several years of research gave birth to a much safer solution - lasers. This safe, quick and painless laser treatment has proven to be an effective cure for toenail fungus and fingernail fungus infection. More than one session may be necessary to eliminate the infection.


  • You do not need to take potentially toxic anti-fungal medications for 12 weeks
  • No anesthesia or recovery period
  • The laser light targets the fungus under the nail and does not harm the nail or surrounding skin
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